
Important Tips for a Successful First 30 Days at Miva Open University

We are thrilled to welcome the September 2023 cohort students to Miva Open University! We are committed to providing all of our students with a great educational experience, and we believe that our orientation program will help every student get off to a great start.

As every student embark on this exciting journey of academic and personal growth at Miva Open University, we have prepared a guide that will help all students set the right tone for their entire learning experience. Here, you will find an orientation calendar, a 30 days checklist and planned events for a successful first 30 days at Miva Open University.

Find more details of the Orientation events below:

We understand that starting a new programme can be daunting, but we are confident that you will find the orientation programme to be a valuable experience. We encourage all students to get involved and take advantage of all that the programme has to offer.

14 Responses

  1. The orientation calendar is properly noted. Thanks for the information I am looking forward to the programs

  2. It is so very interesting to see how we are starting this much enticing learning experience. I personally look forward to it, most especially the great convenience it is affording us.

  3. This is great and I wanna use this medium to notify all of us and as well suggest we have whatsapp group (From level to level and department to department and possibly a the school whatsapp group should be created at least for updates and many more stuff)

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